I do artwork to benefit Muttville Senior Dog Rescue.

I started volunteering at Muttville when I was 11. One day we brought home a hospice dog to foster. We fell in love, and adopted her. Her name was Figgy.
I drew a picture of her sitting in a bowl of ramen. It was a hit, so I drew more Muttville dogs in food.
People started asking me to draw their own pets. I decided to create art prints and merchandise, and donate all the profits to Muttville. So far, I’ve drawn over 120 portraits.
Muttville has also asked me to do illustrations for merchandise sold on their store.
My art is also on their website.
I illustrated this dog training video created by Jane Goldman.
I drew the art for Eli’s Month of Love, where a generous donor paid for all of Muttville’s adoptions for a month in honor of their dog Eli.
Last year, we adopted another Muttville dog named Olga. She is one of my favorite things to draw.
An illustration I did of Olga inspired the program art and signage for Muttville’s Senior Prom (Pooches in Palm Springs). For this fundraiser, I also drew 19 custom pet posters for donors and sponsors.
To date, I've generated $14,000 for Muttville through my art.
Not all the posters were of dogs!